Friday, March 29, 2013

EPA assualted by usual suspects

The folks beholden to Big Oil are making noise about a new EPA proposal to reduce sulfur content in gasoline, saving billions in future health costs, but of course Republicans screamed and Fox News is leading the charge.  Here is another less strident news story on the subject. 

"The proposal, released Friday morning, aims to reduce sulfur in gasoline by more than 60 percent in 2017. The agency claimed the change would save lives and cut down significantly on respiratory ailments by making the air cleaner. The so-called Tier 3 standards would reduce sulfur in gasoline by more than 60 percent and reduce nitrogen oxides by 80 percent, by expanding across the country a standard already in place in California. For states, the regulation will make it easier to comply with health-based standards for the main ingredient in smog and soot. For automakers, the regulation allows them to sell the same autos in all 50 states." 

The EPA estimated a penny / gallon price increase but the oil lobby has a different tune - "Increases in gas prices disproportionately hurt the nation's most vulnerable individuals and families -- with $4 dollar a gallon gas the norm in many parts of the country, we cannot afford policies that knowingly raises gas prices," Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton, R-Mich., said in a statement. His puppet-masters at the American Petroleum Institute are big lobbyists (spent $7.3 Million in 2012 alone) and they said ""There is a tsunami of federal regulations coming out of the EPA that could put upward pressure on gasoline prices," American Petroleum Institute official Bob Greco said. The industry, as well as some in Congress, had urged a delay in the proposed rule.".  They have been crying wolf for years and Fact Check routinely has to debunk their hype.

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