Sunday, April 7, 2013

Who do you admire most?

I struggle with this question constantly, after all why should there be only one single person?  I think we should have a list of maybe ten or twenty most admired, there's a lot of good people out there.  My choices are biased towards people who "Walk The Talk".

Ralph Nader has devoted his life to Corporate Accountability and Responsibility, founding what would become the organization Public Citizen.  He is almost 80 and still railing against the machine.

Mark Hatfield.  OK I live in Oregon so I gotta have some people from there, and Mark is the one.   Hatfield opposed the Vietnam war, but pledged "unqualified and complete support" for the troops.  What a wonderfully principled guy!

 Nelson Mandela showed the most persistent and principled advocacy for equality of anyone I can name.  He is truly a legend who endured much persecution and deserves reverence.

Jimmy Carter, former US President and  tireless advocate of humanitarian causes.  After his election as Governor of Georgia in 1970 he said  "I've traveled the state more than any other person in history and I say to you quite frankly that the time for racial discrimination is over. Never again should a black child be deprived of an equal right to health care, education, or the other privileges of society.".  He is an honest  principled person.

Mohatma Ghandi who inspired movements for non-violence, civil rights and freedom across the world.

John Steinbeck who wrote about the suffering of exploited innocents most eloquently.

I invite you to name others.

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