Sunday, October 13, 2013

US Meltdown Day -4, Rough Ride Ahead

The news is bad and getting worse as we approach the day of possible default on the government debt.  If we don't get something going on Sunday, the stock market might finally speak loud enough for all to hear.  Lindsay Graham said today,
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said on ABC's This Week that a Democratic proposal to increase spending beyond limits set by automatic budget cuts -- known as the sequester -- cannot be supported by Republicans.
He doesn't anticipate a deal by the Oct. 17 deadline.
"I don't see one," Graham said. "If you break spending caps you're not going to get any Republicans in the Senate."
The Democrats are just as pessimistic, but with such a fluid situation anything can happen.
David Plouffe, a former senior adviser to Obama, said the nation is dangerously close to default. "I think the notion that somehow this is going to be easily solved this week is completely false," Plouffe said on This Week.
Plouffe put the odds of a deal by Thursday at "no better than 50/50. And so I think the country needs to prepare that this could go on for a while."

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