Monday, October 14, 2013

US Shutdown Day 14, Losing Our Grip?

While congress bickers, the agencies of the Federal government have largely ceased functioning, save for Defense spending, and congress is still being paid.  We seem to be at a historical turning point, but the question is whether the players are concerned with their personal agendas or the good of the nation.  What is the will of the people, and what does congress need to do to represent it?

We need some means of breaking the Democrat / Republican deadlock and get them both to move forward and provide stability as their first priority, we need congress to preserve our government, not tear it down.  The shutdown is currently considered small potatoes next to the debt limit, but the shutdown has put 800,000 Federal employees on the streets and its effects are rippling through all the states and the City of Washington DC.  This must end or we all suffer.

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